Monday, January 21, 2013

New Home

Well, the move is finally over and we are all settled in our new home.  This weekend was a chance to drop off the last of the stuff to the Salvation Army, dig out a new vege garden, and get some baking done to christen the new kitchen.

We still haven't hung any pictures - for some reason I am finding the huge white walls in our new home a bit daunting.  I should embrace them since we have a lot of stuff to hang up!

Who knew Orla Kiely did homewares? I was THIS excited when I found these.

The Doctor bought me these beautiful roses, and then I found the perfect vase to match.

This sitting area on the sunporch is calling out for mojitos and good books.

Two little pug friends sit on the tv console.
Fresh flowers sit on the wide windowsills and make the room feel nicer.

Banana and chocolate chip muffins for work this week.